Ah sorry yes you're right, the story file is needed here, so I've added the link below.
To get access to the JavaScript, simply open the link I sent in my previous message, and then right click on the page, and then "view source". At the top of the page, there is some code between two comments - this is the bit I added and that you need to tweak.
Link to the story file :
www.vinoa.co.uk/test/rating%20test.storyIn terms of the php, I could send you something across, but it's going to be very dependant on your set up, so there will be a lot less that you can re-use. I would maybe advise having a chat with your IT based on all the files I sent, or maybe hire a bit of help from a freelancer to write a bit of php. I'd love to help offline but am a little swamped right now !