Thanks for this article Trina, you've captured my work life perfectly all in one article.
In the past I have had to capture each minute of the day to "prove" just what and how much I was accomplishing. More so the reason for this was to approximate the same cost if they were to bill the same work out. That proved to be a big eye opener to many, including myself.
Scheduling "office hours" really helps. As you said, there are times you do need to just shut the door, turn off the phone, close down email, and just plain concentrate on work. I'm in this mode currenlty as a large project is due end of the month.
The last and perhaps most important is Communication for me. Knowing how to approach your clients and assess truly what they need and what you then require from them will always start a project off smoothly and wrap it up more quickly in the end. Being a dept of one you can't and don't have time to waste going over multiple reviews and waiting for assets/documents/etc. Communicating roles, responsibilities, and expectations from the get go will keep you from losing too much hair. :)