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7 Reasons Stakeholders Love Review 360

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3 years ago

As a course creator, you want to make sure the e-learning you create hits the mark—that’s why getting feedback from subject matter experts (SMEs) and stakeholders is an essential part of the course development process. But without the right tools, providing feedback can be time-consuming and complicated for reviewers.

In many cases, reviewers receive a copy of the course as a file—like a PDF or Word document—and add comments in the file before sending it back to the course creator via email. By the time they’re done, there are multiple versions of the file and a lot of back and forth. If they want to interact with the content, they have to install an app or sign into a Learning Management System (LMS)—adding another layer of complexity if they don’t already have an account. And each time there’s a new version of the course to review, they have to track down the updated file. With all those potential obstacles, it’s no wonder getting timely feedback from reviewers can be such a struggle!

Luckily, there’s an Articulate 360 app that removes all those barriers and makes the project review process easier and faster for everyone involved. Review 360 was specifically designed to collect feedback on e-learning—which is what makes it so handy. Let’s explore a few of the top reasons reviewers love using it!

1. It gives them easy access to course content. 

Nowadays, there’s an app for everything. And while that’s great, it often means there’s yet another thing to download, install, and manage. Thankfully, Review 360 is web-based, which means reviewers can access courses and provide feedback directly in their web browser. There’s no app to download, install, or run past an IT department—all reviewers need is the link to a project to access the content. And they don’t even need to have an account to provide feedback. To leave a comment in Review 360, reviewers simply need to provide an email address.

2. They get to experience the course like a learner.

Reviewing a course without interacting with it—like in the case of a Word document version of a project—leaves room for confusion and misunderstanding. If reviewers can’t click, tap, and swipe through the course, how can they get a feel for the course flow? And if there are multimedia elements included—like audio or video—how can reviewers preview them? Review 360 solves those issues by allowing reviewers to go through courses just as a learner would, so nothing gets missed. 

They can take quizzes, run through scenarios, and watch videos—giving them a clearer picture of the learning experience. 

3. It clarifies their feedback by adding context.

Instead of reviewing a project in an LMS and providing feedback in a document or via email, Review 360 lets stakeholders do everything in one spot. And what’s even better, screenshots accompany all comments, so course creators know exactly what reviewers were seeing at that exact moment in time. 

This means that instead of toggling between screens or spending time trying to explain which part of the course their feedback relates to, reviewers can focus on the course content. 

4. It makes it easy to provide course creators with additional resources. 

Reviewers can also add attachments to any comments they make. 

This makes it easy to point course creators to other resources and files—like a replacement image—to save time and reduce confusion.

5. It removes extra steps from the review process.

Thanks to built-in notifications, the course creator receives an alert when a reviewer leaves a comment. That way reviewers don’t have to worry about letting them know there’s feedback to check out.

And because reviewers receive notifications when someone replies, it’s easy to know when others react to comments or provide updates. 

6. They can easily loop in other team members.

Sometimes reviewers need a second pair of eyes—or even a third—to take a look at something. Thanks to the ability to tag others in comments by @ mentioning them, it’s easy to loop folx into a conversation in Review 360.

By tagging other reviewers or course creators in a comment, everyone can collaborate and brainstorm in one spot—and Review 360 documents their ideas for future reference. 

7. They can view every version of a course in one spot. 

As you incorporate feedback into a project, you can publish new versions of the project to the same review link. This saves reviewers from having to track down a new URL each time there’s a new version to check out. Instead, they can bookmark a single Review 360 link and refer to it whenever there’s an update to the course.

But the old versions and their comments aren’t deleted—Review 360 keeps track of the version history.

Thanks to this feature, reviewers can compare prior versions of the course to the current version and see how the content has evolved. 


Next time you have a project that needs reviewing, publish it to Review 360! Without downloading an app or logging into an LMS, reviewers get the full course experience and can focus their time and energy on providing feedback rather than tracking down links or sending countless emails. And as a course creator, you’ll benefit from quick and contextual feedback—freeing you up to focus on all the other things on your to-do list!

What are your favorite things about Review 360? Share your thoughts in a comment below. And to learn even more about collecting and providing feedback on e-learning, check out these helpful articles: 

Want to try Review 360, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial. And subscribe to our newsletter to get the latest product updates, e-learning examples, and expert advice directly in your inbox. 

Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0