My apologies for the delay in responding to your comment on this article. I've been dealing with Internet connectivity problems for several weeks and just got them resolved today. It looks like Nancy gave you some good advice!
In regard to your question, "Where do you find RFPs?" Here are some thoughts:
I often receive requests to submit RFPs from vendors who have found me either here in the ELH forums or via my social media presence. Many times, as Nancy states, the RFPs are very limited in the information they provide.
I have been approached to bid on government and academic projects (via my contact form on my website) but sometimes, the hoops you have to jump through may not be worth the time you'll need to invest in them.
Here in the U.S., you can search the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) at All federal solicitations worth at least $25,000 are published on this site. There are typically about 20-30,000 RFPs out at any given time. To figure out how to start this process, I would recommend checking out your local Small Business Administration. In the U.S., it is
Tip: Many times, it's easier to get subcontract work from a vendor who has already won a government contract, you can search for subcontracting jobs here: the other hand, you could also check with at your local/state level. They may also have active bids in process. For example, government agencies, nonprofit groups, corporations, etc.
Food for thought: Some agencies must issue RFPs as a formality. In other words, they've already chosen a contractor. So, make sure you do some research on the company issuing the RFP to see what type of track record they have in place.