Hi All,
Thanks Nicole for this great article.
And Laura is spot on about SME reviews.
Every project I have worked on the stakeholders (who are usually the SMEs) constantly want to add more content to the build once it has started and the course shell/layout has been approved . It is all about educating the stakeholders at the onset of the project.
Articulate is perfect for rapid prototyping course builds. Once the basic course is built it can be demonstrated (as Laura said above) And I agree it is best to have a SLA in place, I always add a clause about "variations (Additions/ changes) that any will lead to project creep and a risk of delayed delivery. if a change is deemed necessary after initial sign off I create additional documents that outline every change and then progress with the build. It is important to have these variation documents signed by all stakeholders before moving forward. As the old saying goes get it in writing first.
I find what helps too is to have in place a project milestones Gnat chart. I bring it to meetings which helps to illustrate visually how the build is going. If a change is requested it helps to explain why I can or cannot affect the change. I can then explain in terms of hours/days how any change would impact the milestones that follow after the variation. Having a visual reference helps the stakeholder understand the project flow and the 'cause and affect' of unscheduled variations on a delivery deadline.