Hi Avril! Thanks for reaching out here in the community! I think a very important first step is identifying what your requirements are and documenting those into a small job posting. You mention you already have a Powerpoint ready to be uploaded into Storyline 2 - does the PPT file need to be re-worked in terms of design, layout, how content flows? Or does it just have to b e uploaded exactly as it is without any changes? Do you need someone to do graphics and add to the visual design? The RIGHT person will vary depending what your requirements are. So, my first tip is to start by identifying what you need. Then, write up a small description of what you're looking for and post it in the Building Better Courses forums here in the community, or post it in the e-LEarning Jobs Hub.
https://community.articulate.com/e-learning-jobs There's also a few discussion threads from the community which are referenced in the article where you can pop in and post that you're looking for a freelancer where I'm sure you'll get tons of qualified candidates!