I would like to see additional testing support for Mobile devices if possible. Many users of SCORM Cloud use it because they do not have the technical ability to troubleshoot content.
It is common, but a mistake to assume that content development vendors will create the content perfectly and will work as expected. I have rarely been satisfied with the results from external vendors.
The flow tends to be that the customer gets the "SCORM Package" of the course, they load it into SCORM Cloud, and it passes the testing. It is then uploaded to the required LMS for deployment and then other issues arise unexpectedly.
Also, because of the new focus on Mobile, the course may work fine on a desktop tested in SCORM Cloud, but when viewed on a mobile device it is a completely different experience.
Inexperienced customers often assume that it will work automatically on Mobile devices.
It is also common, and in my opinion a mistake to assume that users will take an E-Learning course on a Smart phone, which is too small to view content. Video is fine to view via Smart Phone and the Smart Phone is used to manage their account, schedule and assign training etc and use a Tablet or PC to actually take a course.
I would like to see SCORM Cloud provide users with the ability to see how their course looks and reacts using different Mobile Devices, so that any design work and Instructional design issues can be rectified before deploying.