Just to add a meaningful example to this. There is a bug in Google Chrome with the launching of videos. If you use more than a single parameter it can cause videos to be launched in a new tab instead of new window. For a user it seems like their lesson just disappears when the main window launches in front of their lesson in a new tab. If they don't navigate back to the hidden window and they just relaunch the lesson it resumes on screen 1 instead of where they left off. A customer service rep can clearly see that this is the situation in the Studio 9 implementation because you see that they got to screen X even when the last screen unlocked = 1. And while I have never figured out the blue moon situation where I get a user that get 3 pairs of unrecognizable characters scattered in the quizmaker portion of the suspend data, I do encounter it about once a month. The only solution I have is to clear their suspend data, launch the lesson to rebuild the structure, unlock them to the screen before the quiz, launch the lesson and navigate them to the screen before the quiz and then make them take the quiz again. Sounds like a lot but its less than a minute to do and doesn't happen often but it does happen. With Studio 13 there would be no fixing it. Maybe the compression wouldn't cause the entire website session to blow up like it does now but the lesson would still be corrupted with no easy easy to reset them to the end of the lesson. I am still hoping that Articulate will come up with a solution for those of us using restrictive navigation that really need to be able to decompress the data for editing and then recompress. There has to be a solution.