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No-Fail Strategies to Succeed as an E-Learning Freelancer (Part 1/2)

NicoleLegault1's avatar
11 years ago

Working for yourself as a freelancer or contractor can be an extremely liberating and exciting career change. And while it’s normal to experience ups and downs in a freelancing career, the downs can definitely be stressful. In order to be proactive, and to prevent work from slowing to a trickle, refer to the following list of tips to help you land that next gig.

Capitalize on Technology and Social Media

Build a website

To be viewed as a real professional in this day and age, you need a website. But building a website doesn’t have to be an expensive or lengthy undertaking. Plenty of website builders can create snazzy-looking designs in a few clicks, and hosting costs are very affordable. Your website should identify what makes you valuable and sets you apart from others, and link to your contact information, as well as work samples and a portfolio.

Write a blog

Want a great way to create fresh content for your website AND share your expertise with the world? Start a blog. Creating a blog demonstrates many qualities in a person. It shows you have initiative, passion, and love what you do enough to write about it in your spare time. You don’t have to create new content every day—sharing something once every month or two is fine. Blogging will also hone your writing and editing skills, which are particularly important for people who work in the training and e-learning industries.

Develop a social media presence

There are so many potential avenues you can use to build your visibility and online reputation and help make a name for yourself. Be aware, however: not all social media channels are worthy of your time. LinkedIn seems to be the top channel used for professional use. You can use social media outlets to network with others, learn about new gigs and opportunities, and share your blog posts.

Check out these related blog posts and forum discussions:

Build a Reputation as an Expert

Create and share screencasts, templates, and tutorials

Creating and sharing content serves multiple purposes: 1) it’s an opportunity to create content for your portfolio; 2) it sharpens your skills and gives you practice with authoring tools; and 3) it demonstrates you’re a generous person who’s willing to share your knowledge and creations with others. These are all great ways to help build your reputation as an expert and a problem-solver who is willing to help others in need.

Participate in industry groups and conversations

This gives you exposure, visibility, and an affiliation with experts. In addition to being viewed as accessible and approachable, you could connect with someone who might end up being your next client.

Present at industry conferences and events

Again, this is all about gaining professional credibility and establishing yourself as a leader in your industry. Strong presentation and speaking skills are also great assets for just about anybody. Yet another benefit is that presenters often get a discount or comped access to the conference or event, which can make attending much more realistic and affordable for a freelancer.

Looking for more tips? Check out part two of this two-part series here. And don’t forget to check out these awesome related forum discussions and articles:

In particular, you might want to check out these articles about freelancing by community member Daniel Brigham:

Do you have your own tips about how to find freelance gigs? If so, please leave a comment below!

Follow us on Twitter and come back to E-learning Heroes regularly for more helpful advice on everything related to e-learning. 

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thanks Ashley! Those are great additional tips, and they mean so much more coming from a pro like you know who knows the real ins and outs of the freelance world. Thanks!
  • All great tips, Nicole!

    I'll add that it's miles easier to keep work coming in as a freelancer when you're part of a community like this.

    If you truly become involved here and share:
    1. Your ideas (to show your expertise and how you think),
    2. Your work - my favorite place to do this is in the challenges (to show how you solve problems and share the results), and
    3. Your ongoing and consistent feedback and encouragement to others over time (to show your aim is to build mutually-supportive relationships)

    - you'll likely end up having others send you leads, referrals, and/or direct work on a consistent basis. (Especially if you do excellent work and have built good relationships.)

    I see it happen all the time for freelancers here!
    • NicoleLegault1's avatar
      Those are great additional tips, Jackie! And so very true. We definitely have a pretty special community here, and word of mouth is so important. Thanks for sharing your feedback on this topic. And stay tuned... part 2 is coming soon!
  • AndyStopps's avatar
    Community Member
    Those are excellent tips, thank you. As someone who's not a Freelancer (at the moment!), it's always good to see the capabilities of those out there in case projects pop up and referrals can be made with confidence based upon seeing some amazing work.
  • NikiBray's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi, Nicole! Has Part II come out yet? You are all right! This is such a special community and I am making more and more time to be engaged with each passing week. I am very serious about becoming a free lance designer and as my skills improve in the more advanced areas of Storyline so will my samples. Hopefully I will get my first opportunity soon.
  • MichaelFimian's avatar
    Community Member
    Well, now I know what I'll be doing for the rest of the day...

    Thanks Nicole!