An interesting point Tracy. Having been on both sides of that equation, I can say this: ideally, the organization/client has done that analysis prior to hiring the resource. They've identified the gap and appropriated the budget accordingly. It is definitely worth bringing up in your conversations with clients on the front end. Ask those questions, and establish a feedback mechanism with the client for them to share their results after implementation - these are great to be able to add to your portfolio/references. If, for example, the company is seeking a developer to design/develop a new program...what are the business objectives it supports; how is the company measuring success; and at what milestone do they anticipate results...are all questions I would ask during the initial front-end-analysis with the customer. This also goes a long way to establishing yourself as that trusted advisor and not just a hacker billing hours and checking boxes. :-)
Cathy Moore did an article awhile back about action mapping that I feel addresses where some freelance/contractor resources fall short. It provides two scenarios and contractors often fall to scenario 1 (just build the silly thing) when scenario 2 is within your reach and so much better for the overall project (and helps you to prove your value).