The "mashed-up" file naming comes from my work as a web programmer. The internet doesn't like spaces, changing them to %20 in the URL.
A file named Home Page would become
Before the web, programmers would separate words using an underscore, but the hyperlink made that confusing because hyperlinks are often underlined and people wouldn't know if something was a space or an underline.
home_page in a hyperlink would hide the _
By using camelCase (capitalizing the first letter of each word) we can create a readable filename without using spaces or underlines.
As a programmer, I also found that consistency in naming files and variables is critical in reducing errors. So, I've adapted this file naming convention along with lots of other programmers for all my file management. This consistency becomes invaluable when working with variable, object, and layer names inside of Articulate.
You may not be aware of it, historically Windows actually maintains two separate file lists. One that allows people to use spaces in the file names. This then links to the file list inside the operating system which doesn't allow spaces. It was Microsoft's solution, allowing the operating system to be more user-friendly to all the variety of people using it.