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Challenge Recaps

E-Learning Interviews with the Articulate Community #39

DavidAnderson's avatar
11 years ago

E-Learning Challenge #39: Challenge | Recap

Last week we asked industry experts (that’s you!) to share their opinions about everything from designing and evaluating e-learning to mobile development to the future of e-learning. 

As usual, you guys rocked this challenge. I seriously think this is my favorite challenge. I really appreciate all the time you put into recording your interviews. Thank you.

For those who missed the podcast challenge, you’ll find the full interviews below. Hope you enjoy listening to the podcasts, and here’s reminding you that you that the e-learning challenges are always open. If you feel like recording your own interview, we’ll update both the recap post and this highlights post to feature your podcast.

Tim Slade

Allison Nederveld

Ashley Chiasson

Nick Russell

Dan Sweigert

Nicholas Sargent

Dana Dutiel

Jackie Van Nice

Nancy Woinoski

Richard Watson

Rebecca Fleisch Cordeiro

Daniel Adeboye

Daniel Brigham

Jeff Kortenbosch

Paul Alders

Published 11 years ago
Version 1.0
  • How nice to be able to put some voices to names. What a great idea this was, David.
  • Agree completely, David. Huge kudos to you, Tim! Good thing you were first out of the gate. :)
  • David, this looks awesome. I'm glad I decided to participate this week!
  • Thanks Jackie! I am finishing the standalone audio template and will post it later today.

    Bonus points go to Tim Slade for running with SoundCloud. That's got to be one of the easiest ways to share audio files.

  • This is such a great solution for putting them all together, David. I was kind of wondering how you'd do it. It's great that SoundCloud seems to have embedded very well here, too!