Blog Post


Color Scheme Design Template

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
4 years ago

When choosing colors for your course, it’s important to think about contrast—not just aesthetic appeal—if you want to deliver an optimal learning experience. This template will help you ensure your contrast levels are good from the get-go.

To learn more about contrast, check out this article: Contrast Considerations for Accessible E-Learning.


Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hello Allison! Thanks so much for this template. I am still a rookie in this field and I was wondering if you could please explain or provide an example regarding the ratio. For example, what does it mean: "All text should have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1"? Thanks in advance! I am thrilled to put it into practice with my company brand. <3
    • elizabeth's avatar
      Hi Marcela! This is a great question and one that I think many people have! Contrast is basically the difference in brightness between two colors. For example, white text on a white background is a contrast of 1:1, they're exactly the same. Black text on white background has the highest possible contrast, 21:1. Using 4.5:1 as your minimum contrast guideline is a good place to begin to make sure all learners will be able to read your text! Use a contrast checker like the ones Allison references at to help you get started!