Blog Post


E-Learning Storyboard

SarahHodge's avatar
Former Staff
4 years ago

Do you need help organizing content and resources into a slide-based e-learning course? Before you start developing, download and customize this Microsoft Word Storyboard template to clearly outline the learning content for your Subject Matter Experts. 

If you found this document helpful, then check out: Make Working With SMEs a Breeze with These 3 Downloads

Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0
  • This is nice Sarah. I tried to add "Layer" to the type of slide but could not. Can you allow me to peek behind the curtain to find out how I can add this to the dropdown.
  • Hi Sarah! Thank you for the information...very helpful! Would you mind sharing a sample storyboard with me (or at least the first page of it)? I've struggled with using or not using a storyboard when creating eLearnings in Rise and/or Storyboard. I'd like to see how you set it up and how detailed you get with the storyboard. Thank you!
  • Thank You Sarah! I'm building my 1st storyboard and this template is a great tool for beginners.