This employee benefits guide example for a fictional bank showcases how you can use Rise 360 to present benefits in a way that’s engaging and interactive. The best part? This course was built using the Rise 360 Benefits Enrollment Guide template—so a lot of the work was already done for me—all I had to do was customize the template with my own content.
The course invites learners to learn about benefits through a mix of block types, including flashcard and accordion interactions, a knowledge check, and a scenario block. And sharing and comparing benefits plan details is made easy with the help of the table block.
Like the images you see throughout the course? They’re all from Content Library 360. And because Content Library 360 is available right in Rise 360, I was able to quickly find all the images I needed without having to leave the app.
Want to customize this course? Send yourself a copy to add it to your Rise 360 dashboard. If you don’t have access to Rise 360, sign up for a free, 30-day trial of Articulate 360.