Interesting to see a different way of using Rise. It leads me to ask the questions we should always be asking: who is the end-user, how do they want/need to see information, do they actually know the answer to the second question, what is the goal, is the medium the right one for the intended goal? I think most get the picture.
If you are a freelance ID and you get clients from your website, this could be a nice compliment but I would want to be able to add page tracking to it to get a sense of its effectiveness.
If you are looking for a full-time ID job, job board blasting is the least effective method of getting work and one might think such an e-resume would be part of that. You're better to make cold calls.
As mentioned earlier by others, recruiters (any HR for that matter), are not going to bother with this no matter how visually engaging. So while its "cool", it may not amount to much, short of the odd exception in terms of the function we typically assign to a resume.