Blog Post
7 years agoCommunity Member
Nice work. Is it possible to put an exit button after the assessment? It was a bit confusing as what to do after passing the assessment. Or perhaps a message on what to do next?
- EducatorCOLLABO7 years agoCommunity MemberHi Lu,
I completely agree with this sentiment. We have been using Rise for a lot of learning programs, and one of the biggest complaints for users is that there is no next bar, or ability to place a button after the quiz. This is causing a bit of confusion amongst our users, especially when we place the references and further reading sections after a quiz - in that they need to access the main menu on the side in order to access the next content and has led to people missing content.
Is this something that Articulate are going to resolve or is there a work around for placing a button here in the interim? - DennisHill7 years agoCommunity MemberLu,
You can do this by placing a block below your quiz/assessment, then in that block place a button (interactive/button) then edit the button and select the destination as exit the course. I would add a screen shot but I am about to board a flight and working on an iPad right now. I have tested this on one of my courses and it works nicely.- NicoleLegault17 years agoCommunity MemberHi Lu!
What I've sometimes done in that case is is add another lesson after the quiz and call the lesson "Summary" or "Wrap-Up". I usually use a Blocks lesson. Then I include information about who to contact for follow up questions, I might use a "Button Stack" block to include links to various helpful documents and follow up documentation, etc. Then at the end, I usually include in bold text "Thank you for taking this module! Stay Safe!" Or something like that. This way it's pretty clear to the learner that it's over :)