Blog Post


Storyline 2: 2 Truths and a Lie

JackieVanNice's avatar
Super Hero
10 years ago

Recast a convo with a fun storytelling approach that helps you connect with learners.

Published 10 years ago
Version 1.0
  • BolaOwoade's avatar
    Community Member
    Very nice Jackie, learnt from that one and will be using some of your ideas.
  • JoharSingh's avatar
    Community Member
    This is amazing, Jackie! You turned one of my favorite ESL ice-breakers into a sleek and interactive digital experience. Love it!
    • JackieVanNice's avatar
      Super Hero
      Thank you, Johar! I used to teach ESL, too. You can never have enough good (engaging, effective) games!
  • Jackie- I like this a lot! How did you get the world graphic to have a transparent background?
    • JackieVanNice's avatar
      Super Hero
      Thanks, Amy! I went back to my original files to see, since sometimes I'll purchase images with transparent backgrounds to begin with. If they're not transparent, I'll usually pull them into PowerPoint and use the Remove Background tool.

      In this case, I can see in my Storyline file that I used the Recolor option to remove the background. (Format > Recolor > Set Transparent Color - then tap on the background color you want to remove.) It has to be just the right image to make it come out well (preferably a solid, single-color background with well-defined image edges), but it's worth trying out if you haven't already.
    • JackieVanNice's avatar
      Super Hero
      My pleasure, Alison! (Though Fearless Challenge Leader David Anderson gets all credit for coming up with the challenge idea!) :)