Blog Post


Storyline 360: Adaptive Scenario Template

DavidAnderson's avatar
7 years ago

Learn to work with Storyline's variables to create custom branching scenarios that adapt to the learner's performance in the e-learning course. You'll work with Storyline's built-in quiz and results slides to generate the scoring variables. Then, using conditional triggers, you'll redirect users based on their point levels during the course.

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Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • I appreciate this tutorial, but there is a significant error that could cause a lot of problems - particularly to users who are new to branching logic. At 7:19, he selects "greater than or equal to" for the primary path, and at 7:55, he selects "less than or equal to" for the remedial path which creates a conflict if the user scores exactly 20. (He does correctly say, "less than" for the remedial path, but many people will follow what he does instead of what he says.) It would be probably worthwhile to add a corrective pop up to clarify that "less than" is the correct selection.
  • JackieZahn's avatar
    Community Member
    This is GREAT - thank you! I'm working through a project right now where I need to assess the learner's level of understanding to determine if they really are ready for stage 2 material. Thumbs up on the video tutorial also -- you're awesome!