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Storyline 360: Customer Service Scenario

CommunityTeam's avatar
8 years ago

In this customer service scenario you'll guide a ShopMart employee, Justine, through her first return with a customer. 

A few of the features used in this example:

  • Freeform pick-one question slides 
  • Freeform pick-many question slides
  • Freeform drag and drop slides
  • Lightbox slide
  • Content Library characters
  • Content Library images
  • Animations, states, layers, triggers, and more!

Download the fonts: Abel and Freestyle Script

Download the .story file here.

Published 8 years ago
Version 1.0
  • MicheleMiner's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Nicole,

    This is great! How did you make the player "invisible"?
  • JaneMagness's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Nicole,

    Thank you for sharing your work. It really gives me some good ideas for how to make dry material more engaging. The scenarios are much more engaging than just reading a policy!
  • Hi Nicole, Love the scenarios, especially from a customer-service perspective. Gives me some great ideas! Many thanks!
  • Hi Nicole, I really love the way you have paced the text to allow the learner's eyes to be guided through the scenario. I am commencing a nursing module and you've provided some great examples of pacing the learner's progress without the requirement for audio. Thanks!
  • Thank you Nicole! This is perfect for my HIPAA and Social Media Do's and Dont's eLearning course that I am developing; however, I cannot afford the $69.99 for the fonts. Can I still use the template and chose a font included with Articulate. I am new to Articulate and developing my first eLearning course.
    • NicoleLegault1's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Dorothy! Thanks for your question - yes you can use any font that you want with this template. If you don't have the custom fonts included installed it will simply default to another font that you do have, and you can leave it as is, or update it to another font you have installed on your computer. There's no requirement to download those fonts, it's just provided in case you want to get the EXACT same look-and-feel as the example above.