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Storyline 360: E-Learning Personality Quiz

Montsea's avatar
Super Hero
7 years ago

Use this e-learning personality quiz to create personalized quizzes and pre-assessments in Storyline 360. The example uses theme colors and theme fonts so everything can be customized for your own projects.

View the project in action

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • I made a few updates to the template. Please let me know if you have any questions! I hope you enjoy this one.
  • Thank you for sharing! Everything about this template is awesome. I'm loving the design and feel. Nice work, Montse!
  • Hi Montse

    Love the quiz.
    Minor edits include (i) Chance 3 has D> instead C> (ii) Chance 4 not included but a simple Copy and Paste sorted that one out.

    What will a bit more time is to program for instances where the user selects equal numbers of either A or B etc.

    I know the eLearning Brothers (of solved this one by inserting a bar chart of results, qualifying it with the fact that all our personalities really a mix of various personality traits.
  • JaneMagness's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Montse,

    Thank you for sharing this! It's great to be able to see how you lay out the triggers. Can I ask where you got your graphics?
  • DianaHowerton's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you so much for putting this together! This is super helpful for a communication sytles class we are building. Real life saver.
  • Montse, just came across this awesome example. Beautifully thought out and presented. Clean, simple and effective. You are both very talented and generous. Keep up the awesome work! (oh, and many thanks).