Blog Post


Storyline: Adaptive Branching Quiz Template

DavidAnderson's avatar
7 years ago

Learn to work with variables in Storyline 2 to create custom branching scenarios that adapt to the learner's performance in the e-learning course.

You'll work with Storyline's built-in quiz and results slides to generate the scoring variables. Then, using conditional triggers, you'll redirect users based on their point levels during the course.

View demo

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
    • BruceGraham's avatar
      Community Member
      David...on the variables, you stayed on "Main Path" if score was "equal to or greater than 20".
      You went to remediation if "less than or equal to 20".
      Surely it should have been just "less than 20" for remediation path?
      What happens at score of 20, as surely both are true?
  • MikeSchwind's avatar
    Community Member
    Great stuff, David. This gives me some ideas for my educational research. Thanks!
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      I can imagine you'll have some creative iterations on this example. Speaking of which, how's your new ed program going?
      • MikeSchwind's avatar
        Community Member
        I just started the Doctorate program this week. One of the first topics....PowerPoint's cognitive failures. :)

        Like I say....PowerPoint is only a tool. How the presenter uses it puts the "power" in PowerPoint.
  • RenukaIyer's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you for sharing the video demo and the SL2 story file. I'll use this as a baseline for a course I'm working on to show how we can use adaptive learning.
  • I have a safety course I'm building and it will be used across North America, I was wondering if I can use this branching to display each builds evacuation plan so can I have drop down selection box so the learner can choose their city and that evacuation plan comes up and after their done they could return to the main learning module.
  • AshishSikka's avatar
    Community Member
    lets have we have branched the course in 3 sections and the learning learn as per their individual sections but "is it possible to get the results" for each of the sections and then in final sheet reflecting just one Result
  • Patty-Maher's avatar
    Community Member
    I'm not sure this is the right place to post this, but I've searched all over to figure out the best way to do this: I built a team "checkup" in SL. They answer a series of questions and at the end, they receive a scorecard showing what areas they've mastered, and where they need to improve. I did it by creating separate results slides for groups of questions (the learner never sees the results slides) and using the variables generated to change the states of my scorecard. It's working well. Here's the problem. I want to use this in a Rise course. But can't tell how I can link to the proper resources and/or lessons within Rise. Could I put links to parts of the Rise course into the SL project before I publish and import it? Hope this makes sense! Thanks.