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Storyline: Canadian Geography Drag-and-Drop Template

CommunityTeam's avatar
8 years ago

Did you know Storyline's freeform drag-and-drop slides are highly customizable? You can adjust if the learner needs to click submit to view feedback, you can add correct and incorrect drop states to drag items, you can even give learners unlimited attempts so they have to keep going until they get it right. 

Here's an example of how one drag-and-drop can be customized to behave differently. One requires the user to click Submit to view feedback, and the other uses drop states to guide the learner to a correct answer. 

View this template in action

Download the font used: Amatic SC.

This template will work for folks using Storyline 360, the continuously updated version of Storyline included in Articulate 360. Want to try it out? Get a free trial of Articulate 360 right here.

Published 8 years ago
Version 1.0
  • allisonkemp's avatar
    Community Member
    I'm new to Storyline 360 and many of my users are visually impaired. Is this type of activity compatible with screenreaders?
  • The Yukon is the territory to the west of Northwest Territories. The city that has a star on it (in NWT) was Yellowknife not "Yukon".
  • Hey Jack and Rick - You're right I have incorrect labelled "Yellowknife" as "Yukon". Those 2 "Y" words get mixed up in my head for some reason haha how embarassing. Thanks for pointing it out and letting me know about the mistake! :) You'll find an updated version of this drag and drop interaction here ( with the correct cities, if it helps! Cheers!
  • RickHulbert's avatar
    Community Member
    Nicole, Jack is right. You have the Northwest Territories labelled as "Yukon" which is incorrect. Please correct this error --- it's not exactly a small one.
  • I want to be able to use triggers to drag a small circle from 1 spot to a another specific spot. I created the hot spot but when it comes to the trigger set up I get a little confused, I can choose the small circle and get a trigger set up box, I have it as move and have it go to a specific hot spot but in the preview it does nothing and do not seem to have saved the trigger even thought I saved it