Blog Post

  • What a great way to use the scroll; any chance the story file can be shared? I'd like to see how this was created.
  • CateSheehan's avatar
    Community Member
    My fave of the collection! Hmm... might have to do with the subject mater.
  • Jodi, I love this example. So clean. Can you please share how you got this done?
  • AmyDuClos's avatar
    Community Member
    This is great! I always wonder where people find/make such great graphics too. Did you create these?
    • JodiSansone's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Amy, sadly I have no talent to create my own graphics. I saw these coctail graphics in one of my stock art subscriptions. I know enough to identify fun art and then adapt it to Storyline. Glad yo liked it.
  • AmyHamman's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Jodi,

    Fantastic job! May I inquire about the sound? I'm noticing how in many of these examples - yours included - a snappy audio component really adds to the engagement factor. Is there a site you might recommend for royalty-free audio downloads. Love this one, btw!

    Thanks, Amy
    • JodiSansone's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Amy, There are some free services out there, but the one I find the most helpful is Audio Blocks--it might be called Story Blocks now, and if you have a Techsmith subscription for Camtasia, Audio Blocks is included. I think it's $99 a year--something like that, and it has all kinds of music and sound effects. I like to use audio a lot just for fun, so it's a good investment for me.
      Someone recently recommended, and I used that to find some flamenco castanet sounds. 🙂
      Good luck with your search!
      Jodi Sansone
      (203) 451-5421