Blog Post


Storyline: Course Template with Pre-Check and Final Evaluation

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
5 years ago

If you’re creating an e-learning course for learners with differing levels of prior knowledge on the topic at hand, why not give advanced learners the opportunity to test out of your course from the get-go?

That way, if they already know the content backward and forward, they won’t waste any of their valuable time clicking through your course.

And if it turns out they don’t know as much as they thought they did, they can take your course to learn more.

This course template is set up to do just that. It includes a pre-check and a final evaluation.

Explore this project.

For more information about how it's set up, check out this article: 4 Ways to Use the New Quiz Tracking Features in Storyline 360.

Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • This is great, but it would be great to see an 'easy' option to link questions to specific topics in the course so that only the topics that learners failed, need to be completed - rather than the whole course.
  • BrandanLaura's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi, Thank you very much for this template. I am new to Storyline and this will satisfy a request I have from a customer. I won't have to learn all the details about triggers, etc. right away.
    Question, I am assuming that the post-test has to be the same number of questions (and the same exact questions) as the pre-test. Is that a correct assumption? I am hoping the answer is no. I am hoping the post-test can have less questions because the users will have already tried the pre-test and if they fail, go through all the content and then have to take the post-test. I am hoping the post-test can be shorter (less number of questions). Thank you.
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Brandon!
      The pre- and post-test are completely separate, so the number and nature of questions can be totally different. :)
      • ConstancePax621's avatar
        Community Member
        Hi Allison, can you direct me to where I can learn more about this - I need to create a pre and post test where both scores need to be reported at the end of the training. Thanks so much.
  • Hi Allison! Thanks for sharing your file - this was super helpful! I'm curious, what would happen here if the learner passed the pretest, and chose to take the course and final assessment anyway? In terms of LMS reporting, would their original pretest score be reported, or would the final assessment score be reported?
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Shawna,
      Great question! Whichever test they complete and pass first will be the one that's tracked. So if they pass the pre-test, that'll be the one that "counts" on the LMS, even if they subsequently take and pass the final assessment.
  • Thanks a lot, I've been talking to my colleague about it, and actually, it is useful
  • MagdaDiaz's avatar
    Community Member
    Could I duplicate a quiz and use it as a "pre-check" that would also need to be tracked in the final assessment without erasing the final assessment questions? For example, my client wants the same exact quiz at the beginning and end of a course to see if there was any improvement in knowledge after finishing the course. Since both quizzes would report to a single results slide, would that be confusing? I am guessing that I need to give the duplicate quiz/questions a different name?
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Magda,
      Sorry for the delayed response! You can certainly duplicate a quiz but you would need to have two different results slides here to make this work.
  • Thank you for the template. I'm going to use it to test in our LMS, which is Sumtotal. In some of our compliance training, we require the Learners to score 100% on the assessment and we allow them multiple tries until they get to 100%. But the LMS only shows the final result. However, I would like to see what questions Learners get wrong on their first attempt for Level 2 measurement and evaluation. I'm hoping what you've done here will work for us by allowing the Learners to take the quiz in the Pre-Check Assessment and if they don't get 100%, move to the Final Assessment quiz, where they can take it until they get 100%. But I will then also be able to pull a report showing questions that were answered wrong in the pre-check assessment.
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Tonya!
      Sorry for the delayed response, I'm just seeing this question now. Although failed pre-checks aren’t reported, the question data still gets submitted to the LMS/LRS. Depending on Sumtotal’s capabilities, you may be able to see how learners responded to those failed pre-checks. I would reach out to SumTotal to see what's possible.
      • MattGastineau-0's avatar
        Community Member
        Our team uses SumTotal as well and this is something we are currently discussing. I will provide their feedback if I can and it is beneficial for the community.
  • Thank you so much for sharing this, Allison! This is very timely and useful for a project our team is working on right now. I love all the helpful articles and links you provide as well!
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      I'm so happy to hear that, Matt :) Thanks for taking the time to share your feedback.