Blog Post


Storyline: Course Template with Two Learning Paths

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
4 years ago

Have you ever needed to create a course on a topic for different populations? Let’s say you’re building a course on conflict management for individual contributors and people managers.

You could create two separate courses, but since a lot of the information overlaps, that might create extra work for you down the line if any of the content needs updating. Not to mention that with two courses, you’d have to upload and track them separately in your LMS. What a headache!

Another way to handle this situation would be to create one course with multiple learning paths, like I did with this template.

Explore this project.

For more information about how it's set up, check out this article: 4 Ways to Use the New Quiz Tracking Features in Storyline 360.

Published 4 years ago
Version 1.0


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  • This link provides me with the branched quiz template, could you please direct me to the multiple learning path template?
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Sorry about that, Nancy! Thanks for letting me know. You should get the right file now when you click on download.
  • This is great! Thanks, Allison.

    Question: I am still a novice when it comes to storyline, could you explain the reason for adding the triggers that say, "adjust variable, set x to value true/false"? Would the branching slides still work even if there weren't variables built in? Thanks!
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Shakis,
      Glad you're liking this :) Those variables are what make the branching work, since the first part of the course is the same for both types of learners.

      If you had a course where the content was completely separate, you wouldn't need those variables, you could just set up the triggers to lead to those slides directly.

      But because the first part of the course is the same, and I didn't want to duplicate it (which would create extra work for me if I ever needed to update the course) I used these variables so that Storyline would "remember" which button the learner clicked when they get to the part of the course where the content is different for the different type of learner.

      Does that make sense? Let me know if not! :)
      • ShakisDrummo614's avatar
        Community Member
        That makes total sense especially now that I am taking the Articulate Advance Skills course on Linkedin Learning. Thanks so much! :-)
  • Hi Allison. You have probably put this way back in your rear view by now, but I just ran across it and love what I was able to do for significant training initiative - thank you! The one issue I can't seem to overcome is replacing images in the template. When I add my own pics to the spaces you provided in the template, they are sized correctly in the slide view, but once I preview or publish, they revert to their original size vs. covering the entire space you provided. This is probably something more general than just the template, but it is my first full course and I was hoping you might know.
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Lisa,
      I'm so happy to hear this has been useful for you :) But I'm sorry you're having an issue with the images. I'm not sure what's going on there, but I'm sure our support team can help you get to the bottom of it. Can you send them your file over here: ?