Blog Post


Storyline: Drag-and-Drop Animation Effects Template

DavidAnderson's avatar
2 years ago

Here's a drag-and-drop template that's been customized to include exit animations on objects when they're dropped on correct or incorrect targets.

View the project

Here's a quick video tutorial demonstrating how the effect works:

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi, fairly new user here. Is there a way to edit the text "drag and drop each item to the file cabinet"? Thanks!

    • DavidAnderson's avatar

      Hi ChristinaRam298 - that's a good question. The text instructions were placed on the slide master layout. You can edit or remove the text by going to View > Slide Master to open the layout. 

  • rashihonrao's avatar
    Community Member
    How can one add correct/incorrect messages for each option to this drag and drop interaction pls?
  • Hi, would it be possible to update this project with a Try Again option? When I "Tried Again", the six Notes do not reappear, even though I had indicated in Slide Properties to "Reset to initial state" when revisiting. Thank you!
  • This is nice, but what about users who have accessibility issues and are not able to use a mouse? I would like to see drag and drop interactions that are accessible.
    • PatrickOBrien-7's avatar
      Community Member
      the nature of drag & drop questions unfortunatlely makes them not accesible. I'm not aware of any software or app thats able to make these accessible.
    • DavidAnderson's avatar
      Not sure what happened but the download never got attached to the page. Everything appears to be good now.
  • I updated the template to include a hotspot that resets drag objects back to their normal states when they're dropped away from the targets.