Blog Post


Storyline: E-Learning Needs Analysis Generator

Montsea's avatar
Super Hero
5 years ago

Using Storyline 360's random number variable, this e-learning needs analysis generator randomly presents common questions to ask during project kickoff.

View the project in action.

Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • What a way to provide daily words of wisdom, Montse! It certainly beats going to these tarot sites any day
  • SunitaNoronha's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you Montse, this is so helpful as I am just starting my Instructional Designer journey:-) Appreciate the information!
  • JeanKeating's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you I did steal the questions for our own project development. I am a long way off creating such content.
    • MichelleEdwa657's avatar
      Community Member
      Hi Fuji, I see you asked this several weeks ago so you may have already figured this out, but I'll answer in case anyone else has the same question. This displays the way it does because of the player settings. This is using the modern player with the menus and controls turned off (open the player, and in the properties there are two small drop downs. One lets you set the player style, the other toggles menus/controls on or off.) Hope that helps!