Storyline: Facts Around the World Drag and Drop
If you’re looking to do a quick check of learners’ understanding, a drag-and-drop activity can be a great fit. While you can create these interactions with text alone, sometimes using visuals instead gives the activity even more meaning. Take this travel facts example. By asking learners to drag each icon to the right country, you’re not only having them think about facts, but also geography.
Creating an interactive drag-and-drop like this takes almost no time at all in Storyline 360. Simply add graphics to your slide for both your draggable items and drop points and use the Convert to Freeform Slide option to transform your static images into a drag-and-drop activity. Then assign your drag items to drop targets in Form View and in just a few minutes your interaction is complete!
Want to try building something similar in Storyline 360, but don’t have Articulate 360? Start a free 30-day trial.