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Storyline: Interactive 360° Storytelling Experience

BWoods's avatar
Former Staff
3 years ago

Good podcasts have a way of fully immersing you in a story with nothing but audio. Using clever narrative pacing, engaging voiceovers, and sometimes even atmospheric background music, you’re drawn into the story and almost compelled to keep listening.

There’s lots we can borrow from that format to make our own e-learning courses more gripping—which is where this example comes in! This mini-course plays with the style of a popular true crime podcast to sift through the evidence of an admittedly silly mystery. Using the storytelling techniques from that medium, you get pulled into the different motives of three suspects. And an interactive 360° image of the crime scene puts you in the shoes of the investigators, searching for potential clues.

It’s incredibly easy to incorporate audio into your Storyline 360 courses, whether it was edited in another program or recorded directly in the app. Then, once you’ve added audio to your project, it takes no time at all to also include closed captioning—so it’s accessible to all your learners.

And while this particular example focused on solving a mystery, you can use this same combination of podcasting techniques and interactive 360° images to enhance any kind of story-based content.


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Published 3 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thank you for sharing! This was fun, interactive, and hysterical. I thoroughly enjoyed your story :-D.
  • Aside from this being a really clever way to do e-Learning, this is hilarious! Well done, an excellent parody of Serial etc and also some great cat related humour (a belly that was not a trap) :)
  • KarinRex's avatar
    Community Member
    Holy WOW! I cannot tell you how much I loved this! So well done! Thanks for sharing.
  • It's a brilliant way to entice a learner. Well done! The 360 was cool but I think the real magic here is in your storytelling.