Blog Post


Storyline: Modern Rounded-Edges Quiz

Montsea's avatar
Super Hero
8 years ago

This gorgeous quiz download includes plenty of space for several lines of question-and-answer text.

See this project in action.

Just unzip this download to grab this template. 

Published 8 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Like it a lot! Having trouble using as pick many versus pick one with this format...any ideas?
  • BeckyBeyea's avatar
    Community Member
    This is very nice! Love the colors. I am using this but only have 5 options - when I delete one of the options to customize - it doesn't work properly. What am I missing?
  • all I saw when I downloaded was the SL2 version - I can open in SL360 - but were there different designs for the other versions? It is very nice and I have not used a group as a selectable area - I usually pick one of the items and organize the rest in stages - this would be quicker - except risk of client ungrouping once it is given to them - but great option
  • KevinCollins's avatar
    Community Member
    Thanks for making a Storyline 2 version available for people like myself who don't want to upgrade to version 3 because of the cost.
  • KerryStellar's avatar
    Community Member
    I love this layout, thanks! I am new to SL and I can't seem to figure out how to assign the correct answer option to a particular shape. Can you help? Thank you!