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Storyline: Office-Themed Example

EkaterinaMar356's avatar
Community Member
5 years ago

This office-themed course is sure to inspire your next big e-learning project. Its minimalist design makes it easy for learners to focus on the important details.

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Published 5 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hi Yekaterina , its amazing, is it possible to share the source file please to be used?

    I've sent you an email to your mentioned email if its possible to share.
  • How can I download this file to see how the triggers are set up on the back end?
  • JordanYap's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Yekaterina, very nice and clean design, even the quiz part is gorgeous. Is it possible to share the source file to be used as reference please? Thank you : )
  • KatieBirdwell's avatar
    Community Member
    Hello Yekaterina, I just emailed you requesting a copy of the Storyfile. I loved this example!!