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Storyline: Personality Test Template

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
8 years ago

If you’re like a lot of Storyline users, you’ve wanted to create a personality test or magazine-style quiz at some point. And if you haven’t yet, chances are one day you will!

Unlike standard quiz questions, personality quiz questions don’t have correct answers. That’s because the purpose of a personality quiz isn’t to check your knowledge; it’s to classify you into a given category based on your responses. Whether your categories are personality types or knowledge levels, these kinds of quizzes can be a useful tool. And now that you have this ready-made Storyline* template, all that’s left to do is plug in your content and you’re good to go!

See this project in action.

Curious to know how this template was created? Check out this step-by-step tutorial.

*This template will work for folks using Storyline 360, the continuously updated version of Storyline included in Articulate 360. Want to try it out? Get a free trial of Articulate 360 right here.

Published 8 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thank you so much for sharing this, it has helped me majorly in creating an assessment for team leaders to determine what workshops they should attend. I had no idea what to do with the variables to achieve this and it has really helped!
  • YOU are a lifesaver! I've been trying to figure out how to do this and I'm such a novice and was having so much trouble I was ready to throw my computer through the wall! This is fabulous!
  • Hi Allison,

    This was super helpful and leads me in the right direction of what I am trying to accomplish.

    I am trying to create a "form" response that looks like a likert scale with radio buttons for 5 different scenarios. Ideally each scenario will have a "score card" on 5 separate slides. Each score card would total 6 criteria, which will then be awarded a point value ranging from 1-4 points depending on how the test taker feels each of the 6 criteria contributed to the scenario, there are no correct answers and each user will have a unique response and score.

    I am currently attempting this with a "Pick Many" quiz and have included 24 individual radio buttons that I am currently assigning triggers to. Ultimately I want the results slide to show the individuals score and a key for them to interpret what their score means.

    Can this be achieved utilizing triggers on a "Pick Many" quiz, or is there a better way to achieve this?

    Thank you in advance!
  • RemiBath's avatar
    Community Member
    Extremely useful template and tutorial. Leslie just directed me to it. Thank you so much.
  • HelenCarter's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Allison, is it possible to set a different point score for each choice in this?
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      Hi Helen,
      That's already the way it works, though it's not adjusting the actual POINT value, it's adjusting the value of the variable associated with each letter (A, B, C, D). I just added 1 to each whenever the learner clicks, but you can easily adjust that in the trigger panel.
  • This was a LIFESAVER! I just started using Storyline 2 weeks ago and the learning curve for this was STEEP. Thank you for the tutorial!