Blog Post


Storyline: Simple Motion Graphics Template

AllisonLaMotte's avatar
7 years ago

Whether you’re an e-learning newbie or a seasoned expert, it can be hard to come up with new ideas to catch your learners’ attention. Videos with motion graphics like this one are really clever, but I’ve always felt too intimidated to try and recreate that effect in my e-learning courses … until now! With some simple shapes and animations in Storyline, I was able to create a simple yet eye-catching introduction for an e-learning course.

See this project in action.

I tried to keep this Storyline* template as generic as possible so it’d be easy for you to pop in your own content and hit the ground running.

If you like the fonts I’ve used here, you can download them for free:


P.S. If you’re looking for a more complex example of motion graphics created in Storyline, check out this impressive demo by community member Ian Monk.

*This template will work for folks using Storyline 360 (included in Articulate 360). Want to try it out? Get a free trial of Articulate 360.

Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Thanks Allison - just customised and used in my project - looks great. Thanks for doing all the hard work ;-)
    • AllisonLaMotte's avatar
      I'm so glad to hear that you were able to find good use for it, Wendy! :)
  • DavidSeaman2's avatar
    Community Member
    Sweet!!!! Very simple and clever use of existing functions!! Thanks
  • LouiseAntoine's avatar
    Community Member
    This is really engaging. I look forward to trying some of these effects. Thanks
  • BrendaMadala's avatar
    Community Member
    Thank you for the inspiration! It is exactly what I needed to use for a system enhancement information alert!
  • ggperson's avatar
    Community Member
    I do both things that Allison and Pete wrote. I also take into account that the Learner will probably be distracted once in a while and not be able to read the text. I provide the refresh button that is on the seek bar, if there is a question that the Learner might not catch everything the first time. However, if the text isn't there long enough, my experience has been someone will let you know.
  • RachaelEvans1's avatar
    Community Member
    Hi Allison,
    As previously mentioned in this thread I am unable to access this file as it uses features not available in my storyline 3 version. I then tried to access the hyperlink you provided to Natalie and Lisa with the demo in a progress bar so I could pause it, but unfortunately these links are no longer working. I get a message stating 'the file is no longer available'.

    Would you kindly re-upload the file in a progress bar format so I can see how you created this ?

    Many thanks