Forum Discussion
How do you make complex designs faster?
Thanks, Judy! I was wondering about how you do this in your design phase, though. When you've decided that the branching scenario is the best option, and you're working with your SME(s) to craft it together.
How do you put it together? How do you make it efficient so that you're not starting from scratch every time? Do you have a template you like to use that easily helps you plot out your inputs/outcomes for the branches?
Short answer (which works for a whole lotta ID questions): "It depends."
On what? On the kind of info you can pull from the SME. On the type of scenario and how complicated it is. On what kind of choices and consequences are involved. And on personal programming preferences.
Hopefully, you can find your own efficiencies by analyzing how a new scenario might fit into a previously-used set up -- and recognizing how it differs.
As the "Rule of 6 P's" says: Proper prior planning prevents poor production.