Forum Discussion
Poor Responsive Design On Phone
The text displays well with Articulate's responsive design and on laptops but not on cell phones.
Example attached. Any solutions, other than reducing font size? Thanks
Hi LesB,
Happy to check this for you!
Would you be willing to share a copy of your Storyline 360 project file here or privately by opening a support case for testing? Additionally, can you please let me know which device you used to view your course and which platform it is hosted on? I'd like to test your course on different devices and hosting platforms to confirm if the behavior is consistent. Testing would also help identify the best way to adjust the design so that it is more viewable on your preferred devices.
- LesBCommunity Member
Jose I opened a ticket without sending a sample before seeing this message. A sample file is attached. Thanks
- AdamZamczykCommunity Member
check the textbox settings, and change to Wrap text, or Expand width. ~
shortcut to open settings is `Ctrl+Enter/text- LesBCommunity Member
I’ve tried the following but to no avail: Enabled Modern Text, Wrap text, Expand width. Thanks though
- AdamZamczykCommunity Member
There is one more setting there to tick - Allow text to overflow