
Video Tutorials

Using Lightbox Slides in Storyline


Lightbox slides give course designers an elegant solution for presenting learners with important resources without leaving the current slide. Learn to use lightbox slides for tables of contents and menu navigation, and to extend resources and other media.

Knowledge Base

E-Learning Challenge

Examples of Lightboxes

Next Steps

  • Create a new project and from Content Library, insert 3-5 slides include one menu slide template. Using the menu slide, add triggers to load the remaining slides as lightbox slides
  • Customize your player by adding two new custom tabs that load a Summary and Contact slide as lightbox slides
  • Review your own e-learning projects and identify content (resources, external links, etc) that could be used as lightbox slides.
  • BONUS: Share an example of how you used a lightbox slide in the lightbox e-learning challenge.
Published 2 months ago
Version 1.0