
Video Tutorials

Articulate Localization: Distribute Multi-Language Training With Reach 360

Articulate Localization isn't available yet for public purchase. Contact us if you'd like to learn more about this product.


Accommodating global audiences in Reach 360 is easy when you use Articulate Localization! Simply publish your multi-language training to Reach 360, then enroll learners. That's it! Learners see the course in their preferred language (if available) and can select other languages without disrupting their training progress. 

Once you publish multi-language training from Rise 360, you simply add it to your training library like you would any other course. The learner automatically sees the translated course based on their preferred language interface, if available. 

Note: This functionality is coming soon to Storyline 360.

Current languages include: English, French, German, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, Portuguese, Canadian French, Latin American Spanish, and Mexican Spanish.

Learners don't have to remain in the same language while taking training. They can select a different language from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen without resetting their current progress. Reach 360 seamlessly tracks learner progress across languages as if it were a single training session.

Published 28 days ago
Version 1.0
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