
Video Tutorials

Storyline 360: Working with Data-Entry Fields

Data-entry fields let you collect information from learners, which is stored in variables, can be adjusted with triggers, and displayed on any slide or layer in your course using references.

Adding Data-Entry Fields

  1. Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon and click Input.
  2. Choose either Text-Entry Field or Numeric-Entry Field.
    • Text-entry fields accept alphanumeric characters.
    • Numeric-entry fields accept numbers, decimals, and hyphens (for negative numbers). Use numeric-entry fields when you want to perform calculations.
  3. Draw your data-entry field on the slide or layer.
  4. Customize the instruction text in the field.

When you add a data-entry field, Storyline automatically creates a variable to hold the data and a trigger to set the value of the variable to whatever the learner types in the field. See this in action here.

Renaming Data-Entry Fields

Storyline gives each data-entry field a default name, either Text Entry or Numeric Entry. We recommend giving them more intuitive names, so they're recognizable when adding triggers and creating freeform interactions.

One way to rename a data-entry field is to right-click it, select Rename, enter a new name, and click OK.

Another way is to double-click the data-entry field in the timeline to open it for editing, enter a new name, and press Enter on your keyboard.

Renaming Data-Entry Variables

It's also helpful to rename the variable that's tied to each data-entry field. Here's how:

  1. Click the Manage project variables icon in the Triggers panel.
  2. Double-click the variable you want to rename.
  3. Enter a new name and click OK.

Formatting Data-Entry Fields

To change the style, colors, and effects for a data-entry field, select the field you want to edit, go to the Format tab on the ribbon, and use the formatting options.

The colors available on the Format tab come from your theme colors.

Formatting Data-Entry Text

You can format the instruction text in a data-entry field and the text that learners enter. Just select the field and use the font and paragraph options on the Home tab.

Data-entry fields support these formatting options:

Instruction Text

Learners’ Input

  • Font
  • Font Size
  • Font Color
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Horizontal Alignment
  • Font
  • Font Size
  • Font Color
  • Bold
  • Italics
  • Horizontal Alignment

Using Data-Entry Fields to Trigger Actions and Perform Calculations

Since the data that learners enter is stored in variables, you can use triggers and conditions to perform actions based on that data.

If you're using a numeric-entry field, you can even perform calculations on learners input using Adjust variable triggers with mathematical operators. See this user guide to learn more about triggers and conditions.

Converting to Freeform Text-Entry Questions

You can convert a data-entry field into a freeform text-entry question if you want to track learners’ input in a quiz or survey. See this user guide for details.

Tip: Only one data-entry field on a slide can be evaluated as part of a freeform text-entry question.

Using Variable References to Display Learners' Input

Since data-entry fields store learners' input in variables, you can display the values of those variables anywhere in your course using variable references.

For example, you might use a text-entry field to ask learners for their names at the beginning of a course. Then you can personalize content with their names throughout the rest of the course. Just add a variable reference to any text box, caption, shape, or button.

Deleting Data-Entry Fields

To delete a data-entry field, select it and click Delete on your keyboard.

When you delete a data-entry field, its corresponding variable and trigger will also be deleted.

Updated 22 days ago
Version 2.0