Project Management
1 Topic9 Steps to Better E-Learning Project Management
For e-learning creators, the success of any e-learning project often hinges on how it’s planned and managed. You can have a fantastic idea, design it to perfection, and even line up awesome tools to build your course. But without a solid project management plan, you might find yourself facing some frustrating—and unnecessary—challenges. This e-book walks you through the steps you need to manage your e-learning course projects effectively, from start to finish. You’ll find effective tips, resources, and strategies to help you create and deliver an e-learning course that meets everyone’s expectations. This nine-step guide will show you how to: Get the right people on board Set goals and expectations with your team—and execute on them Find the best solution to meet your project goals Create success metrics and a service level agreement Develop a project plan that shows who’s doing what and by when Avoid common pitfalls that can derail a project Build a foolproof rollout and implementation plan Measure your course’s success754Views1like0Comments