1 TopicCustomizing / fixing Reach360 learner reports
I am new to Reach 360 and trying to use it to streamline the process for grading quizzes that were created in Storyline. The quiz includes a variety of question types: true/ false, multiple choice, Numerical response, short answer text, etc. What I really want is to export a report that has the User responses from each user, ideally in a single tab but I can merge them if needed. When I tried to export two users' reports individually and compare them, the data were not aligned row-by-row (see screenshot). For 2 users I can manually clean this up but for the number I'm going to have, it is impractical. It's important that I have per-question data for each user as we will have to manually grade short answer questions to get to a final grade. Any insights on how to do this? Thank you!28Views0likes1Comment