Engage FAQ Interaction - Last FAQ transitions too quickly

Feb 12, 2014

I built an FAQ interaction that has a voice introduction and some background music.    It seems to work very well right up until you click on the last FAQ.   In about 5 seconds the last FAQ transitions to the next slide in presenter.   I have set the slide to be manually controlled so I am not sure why it is advancing?    Any suggestions?



3 Replies
Justin Grenier

Greetings, Kevin.

Are you using Studio '09  or Studio '13?  Does your final FAQ step contain audio or video?

In Engage '09 interactions, the default duration for steps that do not contain audio or video is 5 seconds.  For steps with audio or video resources, the timing of each step will correspond to the duration of the audio or video.

If this doesn't seem to match up with what you are seeing, please feel free to package up your course and share it with us so that we can take a closer look.  Thanks!

Kevin Foley

Hi Justin,

Thank you for you response.    I am using Studio 13.    Also there in only audio narration during the introduction to the interaction but there is a playlist playing in the background.   It is only a single song of 1:25 duration that is set to loop.    Do you think it may be the playlist?



Justin Grenier

Hello again, Kevin.

With the unified Player in Studio '13, the advance behavior of the final Interaction step is controlled by a combination of the Advance property of the parent Presenter Slide and the Playback Mode of the Engage Interaction.

If you want the final step of your FAQ interaction to wait for the learner to click the NEXT button before advancing to the next Presenter slide, two things settings will need to fall into place:

  1. The Advance property of the parent Presenter slide must be set to By user.
  2. The Playback Mode property of the Engage Interaction must not be set to Presentation.

Please let us know if you need anything else, and have a great day!

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