Adding a Movie to a Slide - movie don't play in any browser

Apr 03, 2013

Hello, everyone!

Please, I need help to solve or try to understand why a problem occurs.

I am adding a Flash video (flv) in PowerPoint slide using Articulate Presenter'09. The big problem is that videos do not work in all browsers, only in Google Chrome. But videos with smaller sizes (250x200 for example) work in any browser.

I'm referring to the visual size of the videos, and I'm not talking about duration, because I know that Articulate Presenter'09 does not support videos longer than 8 minutes.

I am providing the Scorm package within Moodle.


  • Am I doing something wrong?
  • So what's the size of the flash video that's accepted by the articulate presenter'09 inside the slide to run smoothly in any web browser?
  • Is there a standard size to add a video to slide?

I already saw these tutorials by Jeanette Brooks, but does not mention anything about it:

(P.S.: English is not my native language, so sorry for possible mistakes).

1 Reply
Peter Anderson

Hi Vanessa! Your English is great

If you are having an issue with your Flash movie, it might help to check out the Knowledge Base entry for Flash movie best practices.

If you continue having trouble, we'd be happy to take a look at it. First, create an Articulate Presenter Package of your presentation as described here. Then upload the resulting zip file from your computer on the second page of this form, and we''ll attempt to diagnose what's happening when we receive your upload.

Thanks, Vanessa! 

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