Old Scorm Course on the LMS can't be replace by the new one

May 26, 2015


Last week we had published a Scorm course to the LMS,which included some quizmaker and engage content, and it worked.

But today, after we renew our content, it seems that cause something wrong on the Scorm module that the LMS doesn't accept it.

Is there anyway that i can add new content in the course and replace the old one in the LMS ?

Really need you guys help, tks a lot 

7 Replies
Lyu Lumi

Hey Ashley,

Thanks for your reply.

Well, Actually both of them were published by the Articulate 13',and same title/name , upload to the LMS of course, what we only changed was it's contents, like:  change some steps in the engage, or add more questions in the quizmaker.

After we uploaded to the LMS, it reply that our scorm module was changed...that's what i'm stuck right now. 

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