23 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Thanks for reaching out, Sheryl, and I'm sorry to hear Replay is giving you trouble. I see you also opened a case (smart idea!) and are working with my colleague Renato.

It looks like he sent you a link to our tips for managing project files. Let us know if you're already following those recommendations in that article, and we'll keep digging!

Naomi Gannon

Yes, I have this issue all the time. It's too bad, because I really like the functionality of Replay, but I'm beginning to conclude that is just not high-powered enough for the video editing I'm trying to do (10+ clips, plus sound clips, plus graphics). The worst is when the file is also corrupted, so I lose all of my work. I've begun saving every few minutes, and saving multiple versions. But each save can take 5 full minutes or so when the files get larger, so the editing is extremely slow going. I still do think Replay is great for small projects with lower-res videos, but I'm at a tipping point where I'm going to invest the time to learn Adobe Premiere and move some of my more complex projects to that platform.

iQ Performance and Development

This has just happened to me too, and the crash has lost my original which means I can now only hope someone else in my organisation has a copy, otherwise it's gone.  I've raised a case but not too hopeful at this point.

It seems this has been going on for a while so I'm wondering why it's still happening, and if Articulate staff have any update / advice / best practice they could share here rather than keeping the information locked in individual cases.

Jesus Becho

Hi. I too am trying to publish a Replay 360 1.5MB video.. Its crashing at 82% published.  I've watched via "task manager", my memory consumption.. Its fine.. maybe 45% exclusively consumed for the Replay publishing..... then it "kicks me completely out of Articulate".. I've tried to publish my 12 minute video a few times...  Any suggestions?

Mouad Benaicha

It looks like this issue persists as of Feb 2020, I don't see a solution posted on this thread. Replay crashes when publishing a 5 minute video with a couple of video clips, images and audio. This is disappointing as I don't think you have a solution for this and I need to look for another product.

layton fogah

Hello Team Replay,

It seems this issue has existed since 2018 and there hasn't been a fix/patch to address it.   I have encountered this issue recently as well and  all I can see from this thread is "that someone will enlist the help of our support engineers to reach out and work with you one-on-one to troubleshoot what may be causing the crashes to occur."  If enough users flag a common issue could it be it's not a user error/hardware error and that the fault lies in the software?

Katie Riggio

So sorry you ran into this, Layton!

The nature of a crash can be tricky to identify. Referencing a few cases, it looks like the culprit varied from file corruption and working on a network drive.

These best practices to help mitigate the risk and a Replay 360 repair are good places to start.

If everything checks out there, would you be willing to work with our Engineers so we can pull a few system logs? The results will help us verify whether a bug is affecting the tool or if something else is causing the crash.

Let me know if there's anything else I can do, as I'm happy to help!

Oana Amaria

I've also been having the same issue. It mainly happens when I'm tying to publish, but it has also crashed saving and doing a screen recording. It somehow can't get past 26% of the publish and then it crashes. I have a new machine, plenty of memory, and have followed all the repair practices and repair tricks. Very very frustrating, especially when you're on a deadline and spending x5 the effort on something that should be pretty basic.

Erik Volk

Looks like there has not been an update to this thread for a while but I am ALWAYS having issues with Replay crashing when I am editing.  I usually adjust segments frequently and it is when I am doing this editing that it crashes. I save continually and usually I find that if I undo my last edit or several edits, it allows me to continue. I just had a problem publishing a module which will not finish publishing.  It gets to 95% and then crashes out.  Sometimes it has a resulting file but the file is unreadable. I am likely going to have to use a different product because the crashing is so frequent and unpredictable which is a shame because I like the ability to quickly create videos with the tool. For this project, I am not sure what I will do but probably start cutting pieces out from the end and see if it will publish to find out what segment of the video is causing the issue.

UPDATE: Trimming off the segments one by one from the end of the timeline solved the issue and I was eventually able to publish after trimming.  Now just have to add in those missing pieces.

Miranda Manning

Is there a maximum amount of videos or storage at the root of this? I have a bunch of videos created and published to Review but when I go to start a new project, I add the video clip I need to edit then when I go to add an opening graphic, I get kicked out. I've rebooted my system, tried multiple times and the result is the same. I'll be opening a ticket but this is problematic for anyone working on projects with timelines...