64bit and Multithread Workloads for Storyline

Sep 22, 2018

I just want to share something I have been sitting on for quite some time and that is my thoughts on the frankly old architexture that Storyline 360 is built on. From a back end point of view it only seams to be a marginal leap over Storyline 2 and none of the real performance issues that came in storyline 2 have been improved on in 360 / 3. Now in truth this may not be the case, it may have been re built from the ground up as some responses from Articulate have suggested but from a users perspective this seems to be simply untrue. There are a few outstanding questions asked by people on this forum dating back to 2016 regarding 64bit Support and with that Multithread workload support. Every response to these has been 'submit a feature request' of which those I have spoken too, all have submitted this request and it has fallen on deaf ears. Can we please have an actual answer on whether or not this support is coming on the development roadmap? 

To give a bit of reasoning stoyline as a 32bit app is currently limited to single thread (1 cpu core) support and 4gb of RAM. If your system has a multi core cpu (which in almost every case it will have) that is system hoursepower that is untapped and similarly if you have over 4GB of ram, and the system average according to hardware surveys is 8GB for the average user these days. It is possible for a 32bit app to use multiple threads but that does not seam to be the case here monitoring the cpu loads when using storyline.

Storyline 360 is a new product, that is already old out of the box. As developers we are using products like Blender and the Adobe Creative suite along side this product to develop our courses, all of which have been native 64 bit only apps for almost a decade and take full advantage of a system, and for those who do video editting and 3D design to create content for their courses, they will have extremely powerful computers that are being completely underutilised by Storyline. A lot of the performance issues we see on a day to day basis are due to running out of memory or being bogged down by a single cpu core due to these limitations.

This is not a feature request this is an architecture request, this is a plea to just tell us is this on the roadmap, because I and many other developers are rapidly starting to loose patience in this products inability to keep up with the pace of the people who use it in this industry.

Pinned Reply
Steven Benassi

Hi Everyone!

Great news! I'm happy to share that we just released Storyline 360 (version 3.82.31354.0), which includes a new 64-bit version of Storyline 360! Harness the processing power in modern computers with 64-bit Storyline 360. Large, media-rich courses benefit from increased stability and faster performance!

To use 64-bit Storyline 360, please update your Articulate 360 desktop app, then click the Install button next to the Storyline 360 app with the 64-bit and beta labels. The Install button will change to an Open button when the installation is complete.

This was highly requested, so we hope it serves you in your course creation! If you run into any snags, don't hesitate to contact our team in a support case.

49 Replies
Michael Gibbons

Been hearing this for years. I'll believe it when I see it. In the meantime, I'll just keep my chin up while suffering the multiple Storyline crashes that will occur today. By the way my machine is built with some of the best hardware available today. It's definitely Storyline and not my rig.

Dan Calinescu

Storyline is dead, no major updates, no new version, no Mac version, nothing on the roadmap, even the characters inside look like the year 2000. It seems that Articulate is just milking this as long as they can. The semi monopoly they have helps them do it. Shame! :read this as the GoT meme:

Paul Olsen

Articulate, what are you doing with the $1.5 billion raised last year? unfortunately the article doesn't raise the concern that the "easy to use software" is essentially unusable due to unlimited crashes per day.  I'm running a new i9, 64gb RAM, NVIDA A5000 trying to convert a Captivate course to Storyline at the customer's request (LMS issues). Captivate is just humming along, Articulate crashes no less than 4 times per hour. Only "solution" i recommend is to literally Save after every move, simply because of the randomness. It's funny because it's true.


Tom Heywood

Sadly I think that unless Microsoft drops support for 32 bit applications in WIndows 11 we're unlikely to see something that would be as costly to implement as a 64 bit version any time soon.

Unfortunately I think this is a side-effect of the subscription business model, where building new features is a higher priority than fixing underlying technical issues. I imagine there's been a cost-benefit analysis where they've calculated that new features will help attract new subscriptions, and likely offset any subs that are lost by users leaving for other software due to technical problems.

If Storyline were still primarily a standalone purchase then I imagine that in order to release a new version to the market it would need to be 64bit to compete with everything else out there, but the inertia of having all the existing subscriptions for 360 means there probably isn't the appetite for making that big a change.

Bill Dane

I think you may be on to something.  They just implemented all the nonsensical (at least to me) 3D image capability that maybe 5% of their users are ever going to use - while 100% of their users would love to see a dramatic increase in productivity and reliability a 64-bit environment would offer.

Tom Bos

I have been reading now so many discussions with this complaint, and it looks as if they don't give a sh*t. 

The frustrations you get from losing your work because you can not save. The crashes all the time; it drives you crazy.

It works well with small projects, but the moment you go to a 100Mb project, the nightmare starts.

2023 and still no 64-bit version.

It seems they do not want to invest in it anymore but they are still asking for a lot of money for the license—very disappointing and lousy customer service.

Alan Sodenkamp

Mike .

At one point I did have quite a bit of crashing since I was experiencing the Intel issue, but they eventually fixed it and I have had zero crashing since then. I don't think the lack of 64bit support would result in crashing, so I would continue to follow up with them to troubleshoot your issue. In my experience, their actual customer support has been great. It's the lack of software engineering development that I 100% agree with you on. Two different things though.

Tom Heywood

Lack of 64 bit support means the software is massively limited in the amount of RAM it can address in your system - depending on how many other 32bit apps you have running this could be less than 2gb. With larger projects you can quickly hit that limit and then find the software hanging and crashing, meanwhile most modern PCs will have 16gb+ of free RAM that is going unused but can't be accessed by a 32bit application.

Mike .

Just because a program is 32 bit running on a 64 bit system, does not mean it will crash. If that was the case we would have many more reports of crashing. I work with very large files and have zero crashing, post the Intel bug fix. 

"Typical causes include accessing invalid memory addresses, incorrect address values in the program counter, buffer overflow, overwriting a portion of the affected program code due to an earlier bug, executing invalid machine instructions (an illegal opcode), or triggering an unhandled exception." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crash_(computing)#:~:text=Typical%20causes%20include%20accessing%20invalid,or%20triggering%20an%20unhandled%20exception.

I agree that not having it written in 64 bit can cause performance issues, but not crashing. I would continue to work with them to identify the actual root cause of your crashing. They did a remote desktop on my PC and confirmed it was the Intel bug. Once they fixed that, it's been smooth sailing.

Joseph Francis

But when Customer Support is running as little more than interference for an incapable or absent software engineering corps, there are only so many times CS will get good marks before the house of cards collapses.

Running incremental updates as sprints with little to no communication between sprint teams does get regular, incremental fixes into the pipeline and buys time, but only so much time. Unless Articulate is willing (let's be brutally honest, capable) to do a ground-up rewrite of Storyline as a 64-bit native app, this conversation will continue until Microsoft drops the last of 32-bit support in its OS.

Adobe appears to be having its own issues, considering how long Project Charm, the new version of Captivate, has been going on. Their development model is very similar to Articualte's, with the exception of a standoffish attitude to the user-base which dates back LONG before they bought their way into the eLearning game. With Adobe's Lead eLearning Evangelist no longer a part of the organization, I'm pessimistic if Captivate 20/21/22/23 will ever see the light of day.

Paul Olsen

Thanks Mike!  I've got a NVIDA A5000, it can handle running Premiere Pro, AE, and Cinema 4D simultaneously ... but not Articulate running alone ... it literally just stops, often without the crash report popup, just disappears ...  company IT folks say RAM issue from 32 bit restrictions on a 64-bit machine - I've got 64 GB ram, but captivate maxes at 2, for what that's worth.

Good luck everyone!

Steven Benassi

Hi Everyone!

Great news! I'm happy to share that we just released Storyline 360 (version 3.82.31354.0), which includes a new 64-bit version of Storyline 360! Harness the processing power in modern computers with 64-bit Storyline 360. Large, media-rich courses benefit from increased stability and faster performance!

To use 64-bit Storyline 360, please update your Articulate 360 desktop app, then click the Install button next to the Storyline 360 app with the 64-bit and beta labels. The Install button will change to an Open button when the installation is complete.

This was highly requested, so we hope it serves you in your course creation! If you run into any snags, don't hesitate to contact our team in a support case.

Bill Dane

I put together a powerhouse PC a few months ago (Intel i9-13900K, 96GB RAM, Gen 4 PCIE SSDs, 12GB GPU, etc.), hopeful that Articulate 360 would run faster, and it does to an extent, but because of the 32-bit limitations, it was only going to improve somewhat. I just installed the 64-bit version, hoping that things would fly. Sadly, the improvements in Save and Publish times are quite modest.

I will note that for the most part, I rarely had any crashes with the 32-bit version. 

Here's some rudimentary testing I did for some sample courses I've been working on (values are elapsed seconds)

course size of .story file save 32-bit publish 32-bit save 64-bit publish 64-bit
Course A 33MB 5.8 57.3 5.3 54.2
Course B 100MB 10.5 141.3 10.1 100.3
Course C 30MB 3.5 30.9 2.9 26.5
Course D 104MB 8.7 71.9 7.7 71.6