Accessing old Articulate files

Apr 27, 2016

I am trying to access old Articulate files that were created by someone else who is no longer with my organization. I don't know which version of Articulate that was used, but I need to gain access to the files to change the branding.  Is there anyway I can do this with my new Storyline license?


6 Replies
IT Department

I don't think it was built in Storyline. I believe it may have been built in Studio 09. How can I tell?

CAROLINE KIRK Learning Technologies and Talent Development Coordinator
Walden Security | Setting the Standard by Setting the Example(r)

100 East Tenth Street | Suite 400 | Chattanooga, TN 37402
tel: 423.702.8237 | fax: 423.702.8202 |

Mauro Gaiotto

If it's a Storyline file then you can check the file extension: if it's a .story then you can use Storyline 2.

If you are trying to open a Power Point file, then it was built with Articulate Studio. In this case you'll have to use Articulate Studio, not Storyline.

If it's a ppt presentation, you can import the power point within Storyline, but you'll lose all the interactions and audio file.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Caroline,

Looks like Mauro has you covered here - and if you've only got Storyline here are directions on how to import Powerpoint and Presenter elements. 

Additionally I wanted to let you know that responding via email includes your signature here so you may want to look at editing the post to remove that information if you don't want it out in the public forums. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Caroline,

Do you know when in 2008? Engage 09 was actually released in September of 2008 so you'd still be able to import Engage 09 content into Storyline as detailed here.  

If they were created in the first edition of Engage, you'd need to update to Engage 09 and then you could import that one into Storyline (or go all the way to Engage '13 if you need HTML5 output). 

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