Can I install my copy of storyline 2 on two computers?

Apr 30, 2015

Just for my own use of course. I have a computer at work, as well as a personal home computer. It would be pretty nifty if I could install Storyline 2 on my home computer with the same product key, but I don't know if I can even do that.

Is it possible? If so do I just use my same product key to activate the second computer?


8 Replies
Beth Cougler Blom

Hi there,

Thanks for the knowledge about storing it on two computers. I'm going on vacation and will need to install it on another computer I'll have access to while I'm there. My question is, if I uninstall it on that computer at the end of my trip, can I then, in the future, install it on another computer and consider that the second computer since the original "second" was deleted?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Beth, 

Vacation and working on computers are not things that should mix. 😉 But I understand if that's what you've got to do! 

As Wendy mentioned, just deactivate on the 2nd computer before installing and activating on your travel computer. You'll then be able to deactivate on that 3rd travel computer when all is said and done and reactivate on the 2nd computer. You'll want to make sure to deactivate - not just uninstall so take a look at the directions here.  As long as you deactivate, no need to uninstall  - and that'll save you a step when you come back from vacation!

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