Changing order of scenes

Mar 01, 2016

In Storyline 2, I want to change the order of my scenes. I have inserted a new scene.  And, I want the numbering to re-order. I have looked through the tutorials and cannot find an answer to my question. I plan to do this on a regular basis so need to know how to do this. Thanks.

2 Replies
Brett Rockwood

Hi Karen,

In Story View "cut" the scene you want to move then highlight the scene that you want it to follow and "paste." This will move it from its original position and number to directly after the scene you highlight when you paste.

Dragging and dropping would be a lot easier (and intuitive) but it doesn't work that way currently. You could make a "feature request"; I know many of us have.

Christie Pollick

Hi, Karen -- I see that Brett is giving you a lot of great assistance here! As he mentioned submitting a feature request, I wanted to be sure to share this form in case you'd like to do so. 

And in addition to his suggestion, I thought I would also share this article and a similar forum post in case you'd find those helpful, as well. :)

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