Completely removing the player

Feb 23, 2013

I'm evaluating Storyline, and I'm interested in using it for interactive marketing rather than training courses. I think it has great potential for marketing. However, I don't want to end up seeing any signs of the player. I've gotten down to showing nothing except a border. Can I remove the border?


9 Replies
Orson Kellogg

Meryem's reply got me on the right track. I now am looking at what I wanted to see! I will also check out the responses from Jeff and Brian.

I had heard that the Articulate community is really quite something. All I can say is, "WOW!"

Thank you! Please know that you are making my Saturday morning quite an enjoyable time as I continue to learn how to do very cool things with this tool.


ahssan moshref


the reference videos on how to remove the border provide here do not really remove it or "get ride of it". They only make it transparent. 

I am inserting the Storyline file into Moodle and there is a white border and I want the page to bleed to the edges of my canvas. So if I have  my web/moodle page set at 1024px wide, I want the Storyline to be 1024 without any transparent borders or padding around it. 

How can I achieve that? 

here is a screen shot of a test page. After inserting the file in moodle I used css in moodle to put a border around the Storyline box and as you can see there is border around it. 

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Ahssan!

Here's how to completely hide or remove the Articulate Storyline player.

Also, sounds like you may be savvy in this department, so I thought I'd share the following as well:

The Articulate Storyline 2 software development kit (SDK) is a free download that currently supports custom player frames for Flash content. To learn more about the SDK, see this download page.
Please note that the Storyline SDK isn't a supported product. If you need help creating custom frames, we recommend posting in our dedicated SDK forum to connect with other developers.

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